These DIY ideas are perfect solutions for a small yard where just has limited growing space for your tomatoes, and cages today can help you to grow vertically. In addition, creating a tomato cage will hold all of your vining garden tomatoes in place. They are not only eye-catching, but they’re also fully functional. What’s more, all in a few easy steps, keep reading to find projects that you can make and suit your budget.
#1 Bamboo Cage
Source: Morningchores
#2 PVC Pipe Cage
Source: Mydesiredhome
#3 The Folding Cage
Source: Digginginthegarden
#4 Red Cage
Source: Bhg
#5 Branch Cage
Source: Carolynshomework
#6 DIY Tomato Tower
Source: Herviewfromhome
#7 Affordable Tomato Cage
Source: Creativevegetablegardener
#8 Strong Tomato Cage
Source: Unknow
#9 Container Cage
Source: Mydesiredhome
#10 Wooden Tomato Cage
Source: Unknow
#11 The Livestock Cage
Source: Morningchores
#12 The Upside Down Tomato Cage
Source: Unknow
#13 Colorful Tomato Cage
Source: Gardeners
#14 DIY Earthbox Tomato Cage
Source: Balconygardenweb
#15 Sturdy Wooden Tomato Cage
Source: Balconygardenweb
#16 Long Tomato Cage
Source: Mosaicgardens