Use these tips to create dozens of new rosemary plants for free.
Want to fill your kitchen with the delightful aroma of rosemary? Discover how to get the best flavor and enjoyment from this herb by learning to take cuttings from a mature plant. You can grow new rosemary plants that thrive outdoors in summer and can be brought indoors during winter.
Rosemary is a fragrant herb that can reach up to 4 feet tall and 8 inches wide. It flourishes in USDA Hardiness Zones 8 or warmer, adding a delightful scent to your kitchen all year round!
Benefits of Growing Rosemary Plants from Stem Cuttings
Why not try growing your own rosemary from stem cuttings? Not only are they easier than starting with seeds, but the resulting plant will be more disease-resistant and provide you with fresh leaves year-round. You can also give one plant away as a gift!
Earlier Harvest:
Rosemary seeds have low germination rates and take a long time to sprout. But if you start with rooted cuttings, they’ll mature quicker because the plant is already established when it starts out!
Same as the Mother Plant:
The rosemary plant you will grow from cuttings is an exact clone of its Mother Plant and has all the same features, such as flavor. It’s disease-resistant too!
More Plants for Free:
Extra plants for free: a single plant can provide numerous cuttings without risking the health of said plant. This way, you could line your kitchen windowsill with several that will smell wonderful when brushed against them!
How To Propagate Rosemary from Cuttings
Step 1: Select new shoots from the mother plant
Avoid harvesting stems that are aged or brown in color. Instead, select young and green shoots for your plants’ best development!
Step 2: Take stem cuttings
Gently cut the stem about 6 inches from where it’s growing out of ground, being careful so as not damage roots. Cut additional pieces if needed and place in water with enough liquid to cover stems completely.
Step 3: Strip the lower leaves
Gently grasp the stem of your rosemary cutting and gently strip off 2 inches from its base.
Step 4: Place cuttings in water
Place your cutting stems in a jar of water and place it somewhere warm. Place away from direct sunlight, change the contents every couple days with room temperature liquid – this will help keep them fresh while also providing dissolved oxygen that prevents decay!
The rosemary stem cuttings should grow roots in a few weeks depending on the temperature. It can take longer in colder temperatures, but after 4-8 weeks it’ll be apparent if these little plants have survived!
The cuttings that do not survive will be brown and shed needles. If your rosemary cutting is still alive, give it some more time before giving up on the project!
Step 5: Pot up the stem cuttings once roots develop
Your rosemary cuttings are ready to place in soil when you see 4 or 6 roots on each stem that are 1/2-inch long. Use a sandy mix of all-purpose potting soil and sharp sand, which is great for cacti! Mix up the proportions so it has enough moisture but drains easily as well.
Fill a 4-inch pot with slightly damp soil for each cutting. Use the pencil to make 3 inch or less deep holes and place your rosemary plants in them so that their roots are exposed but not damaged by contact. Cover gently, and water thoroughly (but do not soak).
Rosemary is a great herb to have in your home. It’s versatile and can be used for flavoring foods or as an accent plant, depending on what you prefer!
How to Care for Rosemary Plants
If you want your rosemary to be the envy of all your neighbors, then it’s imperative that plant in a sunny location. This can only happen with 6-8 hours (or more) per day exposure and proper watering practices! Once established these plants are robust and will thrive even if neglected a bit.
Re-pot as the plant gets larger and your roots fill up this container. A rosemary that lives only in pots can grow up to 3 feet high, but it’s always a good idea for you (and them!) to transfer these guys to a larger container if they are crowded or lack space.
Keep your rosemary well-watered and prune it to encourage new growth. The more you trim, the bushier this plant will grow!
Tips for Growing Rosemary Indoors in Winter
Quarantine: If you’re bringing home a new rosemary plant, it is important that they go through quarantine before becoming fixtures in your house. Put them on their own isolated spot for at least three weeks and make sure there are no hitchhikers or pests!
Light: Your rosemary plants will be happy in the bright light of a south-facing window. Or you can give them grow lights to keep them going through winter months, too!
Watering: An important part of caring for a plant is watering. Over-watering will cause rot and damages to the roots, while too little water can lead an unhealthy lifestyle with death as its ultimate result! Therefore, do some frequent checks on your plant and water only when the topsoil of the plant is dry.
Temperature: Rosemary likes it a bit on the cooler side during winter. Keep plants away from heat sources and wood stoves, about 60 to 65 degrees is ideal!
Humidity: Misting your rosemary plant will help it stay hydrated and keep you cozy all winter long.
Pests and Diseases: The pests that plague indoor rosemary plants are red spider mites, aphids and whiteflies. They suck on the leaves causing them to wilt or dry up before your eyes! Use organic insecticidal soap (which you can find at a garden center) for control methods – just spot treat with it as needed against these little creatures.
Dried out soil and over-fruiting are two of the most common plant diseases. To avoid these problems, allow at least an inch of space in between waterings for your plants’ roots to dry out before watering again; make sure you run a fan if there is poor air circulation around them!